2 East Atlantic Avenue,
Somerdale, NJ
08083, USA
856-566-4121 (tel)
856-346-9099 (fax)
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<a href="http://www.qItem.com">www.qItem.com</a>
- Simple, powerful and flexible tracking system
A bit about
We are a fastest growing firm in SJ, 2005. A finalist of the American
Family Business Awards (Fairleigh Dickinson College, 2006). Our
CEO has been named one of "40 under 40 Most Influential Business
Person in Delaware Valley" by NJBIZ.
As you can see, our awards and kudos have given us a great opportunity
to grow, but with that growth, we had faced a number of internal
tracking problems, especially in our factory floor. From simply
being a nuisance, to major production halts, the problem was getting
worse. Sure, we looked at existing packages, but none really fit
our needs or our pockets. As a result qItem™ was born.
The rest is history in the making ...
us your feedback